Storybird Story

On our iPad we have a app called Storybird. Storybird is an app that lets us write our Story. Have you ever tried storybird app? It’s where you pick pictures like monsters and princesses or fairies or mermaids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine is about a little princess called the princess and the wicked witch. You will love it.


The 2 -Voice Poem

The two voice poem. It involves partners and speaking out loud. We used the app in Garage Band to record the two voice poem. And you have to turn the off switch when you’re done recording. My partner was Emil. He was pretty good for a second grader and he tried very hard. Our recording was about whale vs lion. Whale lives in the ocean and lion lives in Africa but they have phones to talk to each other and sometimes they go on a trip to the arctic.

Our Field Trip!

On April 20th me and my class went on a Field trip to the lagoon. We did groups. I went with Melissa (Grace’s mom) with Grace, Eli, and Kalani. We saw tons of great egrets flying and hopping. We also saw fiddler crabs on our field trip to the lagoon.

